Talking about Canola with Lesley Rae Kelly (Episode 209 Podcast Transcript — Grounded by the Farm)

June 22, 2021

See photos, show notes, etc on this episode at Canola and Canada Are Inextricably Connected, Farmer Lesley Rae Kelly Tells Us Why & More



farm, canola, people, oil, farmers, farming, growing, talk, family, crop, tractor, bit, conversation, harvest, lesley, saskatchewan, brother, husband, canola oil, agriculture


Grounded by the Farm, Lesley Kelly

Grounded by the Farm  00:01

Food is more than just what’s on our plate. It’s the places where it’s grown. It’s the people who grow it and so much more. Join me, Janice person, your host on Grounded by the Farm every other week as we talk about the foods we love. In this episode of Grounded by the Farm, we’re going to be talking about Canada, canola, and really getting down to the slippery oils. That is canola oil. So I couldn’t think of anybody else I should talk to. But my dear friend, Lesley Kelly, and her name of her blog is High Heels and Canola Fields. So she is like so inextricably tied to it. I who else could I talk to? Right? So let’s start with Canadians and canola oil. What is the deal with canola up there? Yeah. So

Lesley Kelly  00:53

we are so proud to grow this crop because it is a crop that is made right here in Canada.

Grounded by the Farm  01:01

Yeah, I read. I see it all the time. And I think when farmer Tom when we were talking, I think he said he grew some rapeseed oil. And I went, Oh, yeah, I always make the translation in my head that that’s like canola. But they’re not the same thing. Exactly. They aren’t

Lesley Kelly  01:17

the same thing. They come from the same family and canola is derived from rapeseed canola was breads, I believe in the 60s and 70s by some Canadian scientists, because rapeseed has a high was Yuri ik acid that isn’t good for human consumption. So they thought, hey, if we could breed it in a way that produces a healthy oil that can be you know, sold around the world. And then let’s, let’s go for it. And now we have over 20 million acres of canola being grown in Canada and I think over 40,000 farmers who are producing it as well,

Grounded by the Farm  01:56

I actually did some research before I got on this. And that, that all that you’re talking about that acid in the oil is is something that made more monosaturated. Right. So yeah, so it made it a really healthier oil. By taking that out. There’s probably great things about that acid and other things, but in an oil, it presents you with an oil that has fats that we’d prefer to have out of our die.

Lesley Kelly  02:21

Yes, that is exactly right, you get better.

Grounded by the Farm  02:27

And then the other thing that I think is amazing, and I forget this, it’s such a huge family is like it canola is related to broccoli. And so the other thing they brought out was that bitter flavor that you get with broccoli and kale, there was flute costs and ate gluten classic on late. Yeah,

Lesley Kelly  02:45

I don’t know what but I think that’s close. Yeah. Yeah, can all is in the cabbage family.

Lesley Kelly  02:48

So it’s so cool when you’re watching it grow because it looks like a little cabbage when it like right before it bolts

Grounded by the Farm  02:55

that when it bolts. That’s like so it’s the stuff that’s growing at the closer to the ground, and then it bolts and it gets tall, right? And that’s when canola becomes one of the prettiest cars. Yeah, not not necessarily the prettiest. Because, you know, I’m a cotton girl, but tell us what you think of when you think of canola for blue.

Lesley Kelly  03:15

Oh, I just am. So it’s one of those crops where you’re in awe because it is so bright and yellow. And it and it goes for miles like when you’re flying over Western Canadian or Western Canada. And that July period and seeing those bright yellow fields. It’s something just it’s breathtaking. I can’t it’s hard to describe. It’s breathtaking. It really

Grounded by the Farm  03:41

is. I’ve seen fields of it now. And then and I think occasionally people will see like wild mustard, the weed growing. I’ve seen it like in pecan groves or something where it’s not causing a problem. So the farmers don’t bother to control it. And it’s this bright, bright yellow, but canola is bright because it gets that highest to it. When the wind comes through it.

Lesley Kelly  04:07

Oh, it looks like yellow oceans. And then if you have a crop right next to it, that’s flax in the bright purple flowers. And then you have a sunsets like I can’t that’s my heaven, my heaven

Grounded by the Farm  04:21

and flax for people who don’t know, it’s not like grown for the oils, but it’s it’s linen, right?

Lesley Kelly  04:27

Yes, that’s the straw. So the straw is quite hardy wirey and it can be used in a variety of different things. And one of those would be clothing and linen. Yeah,

Grounded by the Farm  04:39

I you know, it’s it’s like 100 degrees here today. So we’re all cotton and linen in this house. Nice. So tell me how long has your family been growing canola? Oh, my

Lesley Kelly  04:50

family first started growing canola in the early 90s. And it was my dad who wanted to do something different on the farm because we were growing wheat and barley and, and then summer follow. So we wanted to put in, you know, canola for a better rotation, and also to then direct seed. So it really canola changed the footprint of our farm from going to 50% production to 100%. And then just better land management to it makes

Grounded by the Farm  05:22

it a really good rotation with some of the other things you were already doing right?

Lesley Kelly  05:28

Yeah. Now on our farm, we have a four year rotation between canola wheats and then a different type of variety of canola and then lentils.

Grounded by the Farm  05:38

I love lentils. We actually had a conversation about lentils last fall with Shawna Favre, and they do some like really cool snacks and stuff. We’re going to talk about your snacks later. So let me not get ahead of myself. So do you cook with canola oil?

Lesley Kelly  05:51

Oh, absolutely. It’s one of my favorite oils to cook with because it’s lighter, and it has a higher cooking or heating point. So you can use it for sauteed grilling, deep frying, I use it for salad dressings, I use it for baking, it’s, you know, and I buy it buy the jug at Costco. It’s just a really good oil to cook with. And I also love to cook with other oils. So it just depends on kind of the flavor you’re going with. But it does have this light hearty flavor. That’s really really nice.

Grounded by the Farm  06:25

I’ve only used canola for cooking. And, you know, and quite frankly, I buy it in the spray things now that I have an airfryer too, right? Because I tried not to fry things too often. But like there’s spray canola oil that I just love and sometimes olive oil, but I always use olive oil for like the salad dressings and stuff. You say you use both. You could use either one. Mm hmm.

Lesley Kelly  06:47

Yeah. If you’re going for like a lighter salad dressing, maybe in the summer, canola oil is a perfect fit for that. Yeah,

Grounded by the Farm  06:54

nice. I hadn’t really thought about it. I had to get you know, a little bit geeked out because there’s so many oil seed plants, right. So around. I’m in the Midwest, we grow a lot of soybeans here, Canada, you grow a lot of canola places along the coast, they typically are more like olives if it’s a tropical region, and of course my homeland or the Southwick cottonseed is an oil cool, but I had no idea how many differences there were in oil content laying canola. I mean, it crushes the oil content, like it’s like 40% or more oil out of the sea. Yeah, it’s such a, whereas that’s like twice

Lesley Kelly  07:34

as much as soybeans get is a really amazing plant just as it’s growing. It’s so hearty, and then the little itty bitty seeds. It does so much. So yeah, it’s, I think, at least 40% when it’s pressed, or oil is derived when it’s pressed what’s really, really cool,

Grounded by the Farm  07:55

it seems to me like occasionally when you’re in the field, so I’ve been in, I’ve even been in sesame builds, which I Oh, yeah, straight sesame seed well, but you know, with soybeans, sometimes the ones you have, you know, you can press and press and you don’t feel as much oil with canola. It’s kind of like when you push that seed or you crack it with your thumbnail, you’re going to feel the oil content immediately if it’s 45 50%.

Lesley Kelly  08:21

Well, yeah, and one of the most satisfying things that I do at harvest is we test the green count. And so we take like a masking tape and then run it through a roller and it you can feel the crunchiness but then when you’re done rolling, you can feel like that oily Yeah, oily seed after it’s been crushed. So it’s, it’s really cool. That’s awesome.

Grounded by the Farm  08:45

Awesome. I love it. You said your dad decided to bring canola onto the family farm who all else is in your family’s operation?

Lesley Kelly  08:54

Yeah, my mom and my dad, they are retiring. So over the past five years, they’ve slowly been winding down. And then on our farm also includes my husband and my brother and myself as the junior partners.

Grounded by the Farm  09:08

I love it. So you guys are slowly taking over?

Lesley Kelly  09:11

Yeah, we were. We’re taking over and we were really excited because last December, my brother, my husband and I bought our first farm we’re bringing in the new generation.

Grounded by the Farm  09:22

I love it. I love it. I think that farm transition, that’s something that’s really unique to farming and a few other businesses right, like I have a few friends who either took over like their family’s plumbing business or something. But so many of us follow a really different occupational path in our family that we don’t necessarily have to work through that transition and, and how you do those things. I mean, even just working with your spouse or your brother day in and day out, it’s it’s probably a pretty different dynamic than my life.

Lesley Kelly  09:58

It’s It has different dynamic So I always think of you know, what better occupation, then to be out in nature and work with the people that I love. But it took a lot of hard work and some, you know, awkward, uncomfortable, direct and hard conversations. Because here we were five individuals coming together that had different goals and aspirations of the farm. And it took, you know, years and years of conversations and that hard work and finding our role and getting outside of our comfort zone to really come together and set a new path for the farm.

Grounded by the Farm  10:33

That sounds amazing. I mean, it sounds really hard. Yeah. It sounds amazing, too.

Lesley Kelly  10:39

It was really hard. But it’s one of those to look back. Now, after 10 years of that transition, I am so proud of how far my families come.

Grounded by the Farm  10:48

Very cool. You’re really very funny about working with family sometimes, too. And I remember a couple of videos you’ve done. You explained, what is your role in the farm versus some of the others what all the you do versus what maybe your brother, your husband, your dad do?

Lesley Kelly  11:06

Yeah, well, my role on the farm, like I come from Marketing and Communications background, so I really didn’t think that I wanted to farm or had a day to day role on the farm. And so we made the shift, and I left my corporate job and now full time on the farm. But I also do lots of things that are outside of the farm to and involved in the industry. In terms of my role in the farm, I’m learning, I’m learning more about the equipment, I’m not the best equipment operator out there, but I’m trying and my family is super patient with me. But I dive into a lot of the farm strategies, the land strategies, the marketing aspects, and also the human resource component, we created a culture by design on the farm. So I tried to bring that to life and help each other through hard times through communication, ensuring everyone is supported. And that could be you know, one day it’s being the gopher and running to the city and getting parts or I’m the cook at harvest and trying to bring out a meal so everyone can come together and have a break. Or then you know, I’m on the phone with some of our marketing people and booking meetings and just trying to make everyone’s life on the farm a little bit easier and know that everyone’s supported and we’re all together on the same path.

Grounded by the Farm  12:25

I think it’s easy to forget that farming is a business as all those components. You know, a lot of people like to think it’s just about being in the tractor or being with animals if you’re on livestock, but you get do get in the tractor sometimes. And that’s where funny stuff happens. Yeah, I

Lesley Kelly  12:43

love to be in the tractor because I want to hear what’s going on. And the only way because we we live in town, so I am separated. So the only way that I get to have those conversations and learn is by being out there. And a part of our culture is having fun, and sharing some laughs So I try to bring that element to

Grounded by the Farm  13:02

it seems like because part of what’s happened when you’re in a tractor, at harvest, especially, there are lots of different pieces of equipment moving around. So you may be running a grain cart, while somebody else is running the combine. So they’re cutting whatever you need cut in the field, and then they put it in the green cart. And then that’s taken to like an 18 Wheeler or something, right?

Lesley Kelly  13:27

Yes, yeah, there’s lots of moving parts at harvest because uh, we’re we are a medium to large farm and I get a little bit stressed because I am at times the, the green card operator and when you have three or four different compounds out there, and you’re trying to be at lots of places at different times and trying to manage the flow of harvest it can get a little a little crazy at times farmers like to keep

Grounded by the Farm  13:51

this combines moving, they do not want to have to stop a combine because you’ve got good weather, if it’s moving. They want to keep it moving while there’s good weather, right? Oh, absolutely great card operator needs to be right on point. And I seem to remember it looked a little bit like baseball signals that people were trying to tell you what to do.

Lesley Kelly  14:12

I remember my brother and I, before I went on the green card, we went over the hand signals and I was like okay, I got this and then he changes them on me. So I don’t know whether to you know, pull out my auger or go ahead or backup or stop. So we had some learning moments together but he’s so great because they did they were very they’re so patient with me they would stop the combine to help me unload or load up the green curve but now I’m getting better so we can unload on the go. And to me Those are my two them. It wasn’t big wins. But to me just not being a very good equipment operator. I those I were such big wins for me. I celebrated them.

Grounded by the Farm  14:58

Well. I will tell you, you You know, even for me getting to move people’s equipment from one field to another feels like a big accomplishment for me, right? Because, like moving tractors and stuff like it’s, it’s very different than driving my

Lesley Kelly  15:12

Subaru. And is and it’s intimidating and you know, and you can get in your head and feel like, you know, you’re not good enough just like any other job. You know, we’re, we’re all beginners at one point or another and they recognize that and they have been amazing teachers, for me through this transition. That’s awesome. That’s awesome.

Grounded by the Farm  15:31

I can also imagine occasionally, not like my family would ever do this. But you and your brother might occasionally kind of prank each other a little bit when you’re in Goa. So maybe, maybe not, when you’re at your most frustrated point?

Lesley Kelly  15:46

Absolutely. We actually on the farm every day, like during those busy times have check ins to know what each other’s stress levels are. So if the stress levels are lower, then we know that it could poke a little harder. I love it. I love it.

Grounded by the Farm  15:59

So one of the things that you’ve come up with on the farm more recently is is you created some snacks, did you?

Lesley Kelly  16:07

Yeah, so that was something that I first started outside of university coming from that marketing background, and my dad being such a great entrepreneur always looking at, you know, where things are headed. And he thought, you know, more value add. So he proposed to me, you know, creating snack food from barley that’s grown right from our farm. And so I took that idea and worked with the Saskatchewan food Center, which helped me create a product that was both sweet and salty, like little clusters of barley. And yeah, we sold that for about five years. And then right when we were transitioning into growing our land base on the farm, we stopped selling it and kind of took a hiatus but we didn’t sell the recipe and hope to maybe in a few years when some No, the kids are a little bit older, we can get back into that. But it was such an amazing opportunity because we were selling like right in downtown Vancouver and the urban centers. And you know, here’s a farmer selling something that comes right from the farm and and I learned so much both in the process of what happens to grain that leaves the farm but also that urban connection to our consumers. Yeah,

Grounded by the Farm  17:17

I think that’s that’s an area where you and I have it very much in common trying to bridge these audiences, which is somebody who grew up as a total city girl, it can feel so far away, even though there are farms right outside of town, that kind of like not knowing what’s happening and seeing things and not knowing what they are. I mean, I remember I took my nephew, I’ve tried to take nieces and nephews all out on farm experiences. I can remember I was taking my nephew out and he goes, ah, Janice, I want to write on the tractor. And I’m like, oh, what But honey, we’re going over to the combine. And he he didn’t know the different words, right? Like all farm equipment, were tractors, right? And he goes, No, I want to go on the big tractor and he was meaning to combine. But I had gotten so steeped in agriculture I wasn’t really catching what he was saying right like because his words didn’t match up to my meanings of words. I think having both conversations with people is so critical. Just it really is finding a chance to chat

Lesley Kelly  18:22

Yeah, and for us it was whether it was chatting like at a market where we were selling or we just had our first farm to we’re bringing people to the farm to see the equipment and see the crops and and touch and experience like those are where such rich and deep conversations and connections are made and I’m so grateful for for the opportunity of where my paths have have taken me I saw you talking about

Grounded by the Farm  18:47

this farm tour was was happening so do you mind telling me a little bit more about it how did you get that all worked out? Like how close is your farm to a city I guess may have an impact maybe not

Lesley Kelly  19:00

Yeah, we’re about the closest city is an hour away and then the other one is about two hours and because where I live a hit is such a an amazing tourist location because we have a saltwater lake that has healing properties. So I worked with the local tourism board and developed a package for people when they’re out here visiting Manitou lake to also take the opportunity and come to a farm so yeah, we had over a dozen people that came and you know saw lentil crop our first cover crop and then a wheat field and love it on some technology on the farmer weather station and then the app that we use to you know, give us real time information and then we had them grind some wheat into making flour and as well as some lentil flour. And then I had them do some testing for canola and then what we do best at the farm is then we shared a meal so it was like a great opportunity and to you know to see the smiles and And the questions that we got it was so amazing was this, like families with EDS sort of age range was

Grounded by the Farm  20:07

pretty big or pretty consistent.

Lesley Kelly  20:09

It was. So some families came, and then some individual. And I would say the age range was about 30 to 70. So it really hit everyone. And that’s the great thing about the farm tours is it it’s, you can come any age or size, it really doesn’t matter. As long as you know, the you’re curious about where your food comes from. And there’s a farmer on the other end to answer those questions, I

Grounded by the Farm  20:36

think your family’s probably pretty lucky to have you doing those kinds of things. Because a lot of farms, you know, depending on how many people are dedicated to the farm, or what kind of time they have, and, and in some farm families, maybe it’s the spouse as a teacher, and so maybe has some more flexibility in the summer. But you know, to have tours takes time from some employee or something, and it, it takes planning because you don’t you don’t want people to get hurt. And farming is a pretty tough job at times. I mean, safety is something you have to really focus on.

Lesley Kelly  21:11

It really is. And this year, it’s been a little bit crazy, cuz we, we were just done seating, and my brother hurt his neck. And he’s our sprayer guy. So my husband went right from the drill to the sprayer, and then an employee and or a teammate and myself, we were running around trying to cut all the grass because it got all the grass takes three days, just getting everything cleaned and sweeping everything just to have it presentable it was you know, like when you come or when you clean right before company comes before. That’s how we were but at a farm level. So it does, it does take lots of time, but it’s so worth it at the end, like when we were done and everyone had left, like my husband and I sat down and said we would do that over and over and over again, just to have the opportunity for people to come see and experience the farm. So how are you working that into a

Grounded by the Farm  22:05

schedule? Is it something that’s somewhat open? Or do you have like one or two days a month? or How can you make that like work along with all the other jobs that you have?


I will for us it kind of put it on the calendar, because if it’s on the calendar, then we’re dedicated to the time that it takes to prepare it and everything. And also for us it was I pitched it to my family. And we really needed it to be a family effort, not just a one on one person show, just like with the farm, it’s we’re all you know, it’s a team. It’s a team effort. And then what we did was, we set aside to other dates in July, because what better time to bring people out to the field to see that blooming canola and the crops being grown, right.

Grounded by the Farm  22:51

People are gonna want to take lots of photos, so

Lesley Kelly  22:53

many photos, and then we wanted to do it before harvest started. Because I don’t think we’ll be able to do I would love to have tours during harvest. But yeah, there’s the safety component. And then we’re just so busy, like we need to get the crop off. That’s our main livelihood and focus, right. And

Grounded by the Farm  23:09

I fit the places I’ve been to farms where they charge you a fee, you know, because you are getting lunch and all these kind of things. And then sometimes I think they have sponsors are something that help pay for the fact that you know, they’re able to do that. How have you guys been able to work it out?

Lesley Kelly  23:24

Yeah, I am. Well, working with the Tourism Board has been great. So they’ve been offering it as a as a package. I think they offer it with hotel rooms and then a few other things and then bring the tour out. So I think if the fee is nice, yeah, it’s not a lot and it because we want to entice people to come to the farm, but they also needed to cover the expenses of the meal and and the time and stuff like that. So that’s how we worked worked it out. That sounds

Grounded by the Farm  23:50

awesome. I obviously I love the ag tourism side of things. So now I’m gonna have to figure out maybe not this July. So I already have my travel plan. But maybe next year, I can come up and see canola. Yes. One other thing that I knew I wanted to talk to you about before I let you go. And that is you and I met on Twitter. It’s probably been like seven, eight. I don’t know how long it’s been It feels like forever ago. Yeah. But at the time when we met a lot of people weren’t having the conversation around mental health that is now you know, thank god finally coming more open. But you’ve really done a lot of things to, to kind of open that conversation and ag Tell me how you started that and where and where we are.

Lesley Kelly  24:40

Yeah, we started that conversation or tried to amplify it. Because my husband and I have gone through some hard times actually my whole family. My husband is living with anxiety. My brother is living with PTSD and anxiety. My dad is going through cancer so he is living with anxiety due to you know the stress and the side effects of the medication. My sister’s living with borderline personality disorder. So my family has been really impacted. And we’ve gone through hard times. And what we’ve learned through that is that there is hope, and that you do matter, and you need that support system around you. And when Matt and I were going through our challenges, we we didn’t know where to go or who to talk to you and we felt, you know, like, you know, does this make us not good farmers? Or could this impact our business if we talk about it, and it was another fellow farmer from Saskatchewan that put out a tweet and said, you know, farms dresses, real suicide is real and farming, and we need to talk about that. So my husband and I thought, well, no, let’s, let’s share our journey. And let’s talk about it to try to open more doors and to help other farmers feel, not what we felt. So we put out a video and it was viewed, you know, 1000s of times in and outside of agriculture, and the messages we got back from all over the world were it, it made us realize, like we were hoping if one person watched, but what it made us realize was, we aren’t alone. And this is real, and farming is hard. And we need to talk about it. So after that there was a few of us in Saskatchewan that got together and created the do more egg Foundation, and I was back in 2018. And since then, wow. Like the industry, we still have lots of work to do. But the conversations now that are happening online, and at kitchen tables, and at boardroom tables about mental health and knowing the landscape of where of where our farmers are and what they’re going through. And getting that help. And those resources and support to our agriculture community has been just nothing that I would ever have have imagined in dream.

Grounded by the Farm  26:55

Yeah, I can remember, for the longest time, I never heard farmers talk about that, right? So so many, so many of us are on farms are taught to be rugged, on debate that it adapts. And sometimes vulnerability can end up really putting you in a bad spot, like you said, you know, and some of those vulnerabilities really can. I like to think mental health is not one of those that would, would put you in that spot. And to have that conversation out in the open feels so much healthier. And I mean, we even have friends now that have podcasts that mainly focus on mental health and like working through this kind of stuff. It really is kind of a watershed moment, but get started. It was it was impressive what you guys did kinda Yeah, you know, tiptoeing out and going, are we gonna do this? Okay, this is gonna be me. Yeah, you feel so vulnerable,

Lesley Kelly  27:51

you we felt so vulnerable. And like, when we right before we press the, you know, the record button on that live video, like it was live, and we had never really talked about it. Like some of our family didn’t even know what we had gone through. And I remember, Matt and I sitting down and we were talking about, okay, what are the risks of this? And we thought, you know, like, what would our community you know, we live in small towns, what, what is our community going to think of us? Are we going to be shunned? And then what really hurt was when we, when we thought of, you know, could this impact our rented land? Because we rent about 50% of our land, right? And to us, we said, this can’t this can no longer be because that’s that stigma. Yeah. And I’m like, that’s what prevents so many of us from getting help that we so deserve and need, if one person watches this, and it creates hope, or that they know that there is that help out there. Then we did our part. But Wow, like, the magnitude that has come from every like industry support from all over and all over the world now. Just makes me makes me very hopeful. And also make this bittersweet. It’s like man, we should have been talking about this years ago, years ago, but we’re getting there. Yeah.

Grounded by the Farm  29:07

Well, if you look at it, it seems like sports is just beginning to do it. Because do it niomi Osaka finally said, I can’t I can’t I’m just you know, and and doing it in a way that’s healthy for yourself and your family. So much preferred to like, try to stifle it all in exactly. Ultimately, it breaks you.

Lesley Kelly  29:31

Yeah. And that’s what my husband felt he like no one knew. And he had the weight. He said the weight of the world on his shoulders. And when he shared that, he said it, it went away. It was therapeutic for him to share. I view him as you know, I’ve changed my definition of strength and he’s it he’s to me the one of the strongest people of being so courageous and vulnerable and sharing that

Grounded by the Farm  29:55

yeah, that’s amazing. Well, I hate to go back to to anything else after that. I mean, that’s like the perfect end to the podcast. But I realized I didn’t really ask you if there is anything else that we ought to talk about. Before we go know

Lesley Kelly  30:10

that I think you shared all of my loves my love of farming my love of canola and food and people. And my Yeah, just my love of community and agriculture and what this community does for me and the farm and our family. So thank you.

Grounded by the Farm  30:28

As we sign off, I dowant to mention Lesley is the host or co host of what the farm podcast, which is a real good conversation with farmers and others in agriculture, about sort of what’s happening in their world and touches on this connectivity piece a little differently than Grounded by the Farm, which is a really it’s a neat podcast, I it’s with Rob Sharkey. I’m not sure I’d recommend people follow Rob as much. (laughter) He’s a little bit like a brother, everybody likes to pick on Rob. He loves it. He thrives from it. But as people listen to this episode, and over the summer, as they’re making their dinners either on the grill or in the kitchen, I hope that you guys will take time to mentor to some of your friends. Hey, you guys want to listen to this? learn a little bit about canola digit. No, it’s called canola because, yes, the can and canola is Canadian. Yeah, those kind of things. pass it along. We’re working with a teacher this summer. And she is doing curriculum for all of our things. So we’re going to be having that coming up soon. So that we can have this conversation more with schools too. So, so much going on. I hope people share this get in touch with Lesley we’re gonna leave all of her handles her website addresses in the show notes. So get in touch with her and pass this episode along to others. Thanks again, Leslie, for joy.

Lesley Kelly  31:48

Thank you so much for having me.

Grounded by the Farm  31:51

Check us out on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and I’m even on clubhouse so feel free to look us up. Also on our website Grounded by the Farm calm wherever you want to get in touch we’re trying to be there. Shoot us a message about questions you have about farming and food. I hope you enjoy these episodes enough that you’ll share them with friends, whether that’s via social media or in a conversation. Love to think some of that as while you’re having dinner with friends and family. This is a production of grabit communications. Editing is by two guys talking. Thank you

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